Sunday, July 1, 2007

"Free Indeed"

John 8:32 & 36

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

..."If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed"

I. Freedom from poverty
     CHRIST gives us his riches. (2 Cor 8:9)

II. Freedom from sorrow
     CHRIST gives us his joy. (John 16:20; 2 Cor 7:10)

III. Freedom from trouble
     CHRIST gives us peace. (John 14:27)

IV. Freedom from hatred
     CHRIST gives us love. (John 15:25)

V. Freedom from rags
     CHRIST gives us his righteousness. (Isa 64:6;2 Cor 5:21)

VI. Freedom from death
     CHRIST gives us his life. (Romans 5:15; Ephesians 2:5)

VII. Freedom from shame
     CHRIST gives us glory. (John 17:22; Psalm 113:7-8)

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