1. In these four verses, Jesus summarizes the believer's function. In a word, it is: influence.
2. Whoever lives according to the Beatitudes(vv. 3-12), will function in the word as salt and light
3. Jesus' focus was on being before doing.
4. The goal of integrity is influence.
Four Aspects of the Text:
1. The Presupposition: corruption and darkness do exist(vv. 13-14)
Man's knowledge has greatly increased, but his morals have progressively decreased
Every generation has sinned and negatively influenced our world. The basic human desire is sin.
2. The Plan: impact society (vv. 14-15)
   We are to be salt to reveal the corruption of our society, and we are to be light to reveal God's truth.
   Being Salt Means:
    1. to add flavor
    2. to remain pure
    3. to create thirst
    4. to bring value
    5. we may cause pain
    6. we must preserve live
   Light Is Only Useful When It:
    1. shines in darkness
    2. remains visible
    3. burns brightly
Sociologists tell us that the average person will influence 10,000 other people in his/her lifetime!
3. The Problem: the threat of failure.(vs. 13-15)
   There's a danger that we, as Christians might lose our value to the kingdom of God (but not to God). In the New Testament, we find three cases where God had to weed out spiritual "cancers" or contamination, in the church, through death.
    1. the cancer of hypocrisy(Acts 5:1-11)
    2. the cancer of immorality(James 1:15)
    3. the cancer of unrepentance(I Cor. 11:30)
4. The Purpose: to glorify God (v. 16)
The purpose of letting our light shine and revealing our good works is not to bring attention to ourselve, but to God.
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