Sunday, May 20, 2007

Being Above Average

1 Chron. 4:9-10

By: Pastor Ed West

Let us look at 3 principles from the prayer of Jabez
to help us live above average.

I. He had a Great ambition

3 misconceptions about great ambitions:

1. We confuse Humility with fear
2. We confuse Contentment with laziness
3. We confuse Spirituality with small thinking

II. He had a Growing Faith
1. He ask for Gods help
2. God helped him overcome lifes insecurities

III. He had a Genuine Prayer Life
He prayed for 3 things:
1. God's Power
2. God's Presence
3. God's Protection

There is not much difference from 3 and 4...However:
3x3x3x3x3= 243
4x4x4x4x4= 1024

Conclusion: You can decide to be above average by:
1. The Lordship of Jesus in your life.
2. Having right motives.
3. Being willing to pay the price.

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