Sunday, June 3, 2007

"Friendship with God"

John 15:12 - 16

By: Pastor Ed West

Four Proofs or Tests of Friendship:

Test One: What will you do for a friend?(John 15:13)
Test Two: What will you disclose to a friend?(John 15:15)
Test Three: You love what they love.(John 15:11)
Test Four: you fullfill their requests

Five Myths Americans Have Believed About Knowing God:

1. The Good Deeds Myth
The notion that activity in Christian service proves that I know God.

2. The Good Life Myth
The notion that regular church attendance earns God's favor, and makes me right with Him.

3. The Religious Myth
The notion that praying every day and sharing other such religious things indicates that I know God.

God offers us an intimate friendship with Him, if we'll respond appropriately to His Invitation.

4. The Feeling Myth
The notion that if I feel close to God, then I must be.

5. The Knowledge Myth
The notion that a good knowledge of the Bible means that I am a Christian.

Are you believing the truth or a myth about your relationship with God?

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