Thursday, September 27, 2007


5 questions about "poor in spirit"

1. Why does He start with this?
       1. Poverty of spirit is the only way
       2. All other graces are based on Poverty of spirit
       3. We are doomed without his redemption

2. What does it mean?
        It doesn't mean poor materally
         Isa 66:2,Psa 34:18,Psa 51:17,Isa 57:15

3. What is the result? theirs is the Kingdom

4. How do we become poor in spirit?
       1 you must look at God
       2 starve the flesh...flesh feeds pride
       3 Ask...knock...beg

5. How will I know I am? 7 principles:
     1 You will be weaned from yourself(Psalm 131:2)
     2 You will be lost in the wonder of Christ(1 Cor. 3:18)
     3 You will never complain about situation
     4 You will see only the excellence in others
     5 You will spend much time in prayer
     6 You will take Christ on his terms, not yours
     7 You will thank and praise God for his grace

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