Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Matthew 5:1-12

Vs4 - Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.

What does the Bible mean by mourning?
       Genesis 23, 2 Samuel 1,Numbers 14:39, Psalm 119:136

Let's try to define it by looking at some of the essential elements of mourning.
1. Mourning is an emotional response
2. Mourning is not always good
3. There is not universal comfort for all mourners
4. We need to understand what it is to mourn properly

Five questions that are tests for pious mourning...
   1. Is this something for which the righteous mourn?
     The two key texts:
        1. Isaiah 61- Sin & Condemnation
        2. Isaiah 40- Comfort & Salvation

   2. What is a right relationship between mourning and laughter?
            Jesus doesn't say Blessed are those who mourn, for they will rejoice

   3. Is there a sense of loss or gain?(Philippians 3)

   4. Which concerns you? humiliation or arrogance & pride
           1 Corinthians 5:1-2, Romans 1:32

   5. Does mourning produce repentence?

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