Wednesday, October 17, 2007

From Sunday October 14, 2007
Happy Appetite
Mat. 5:6

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled

Hungering and Thirsting... Strong desires...ambition

Examples from the Bible:

Lucifer...Isah 14:13
Nebuchadnezzar...King of Babylon Daniel 4:30
The Rich fool...Luke 12:17

Key Questions:

1. How does this beatitude fit with the others?

2. What does it mean to hunger and thirst?
  "this hunger and this thirst ____________ in the very act of being satisfied."

3. What is this that we hunger for?
  The only real happiness in life is to be _______
   Salvation wants restoration to God and free from sin and its penalty
   Sanctification happiness belongs to the increasing of holliness in your life

4. What is the result?... Filled-satisfied and yet not!
Ps 107:9, Ps 34:10, Ps 23:1, Jer 31:14, John 4 & 6

5. How do I know that I am really hungering and thirsting after righteousness?
    1. Are you dissatified with yourself?

    2. Does anything external satisfy you?

    3. Do you have a great appetite for the word of God

    4. Are the things of God sweet to you?

    5. Is my hunger and thirst unconditional?
         Ps 119:20, Isa 26:9

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