Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Meet Mercy"

Matthew 5:7

"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."

To obtain mercy is two fold:

To be in God's must seek mercy

And to continue in God's give mercy to others
Martin Lloyd Jones wrote:

"A Christian is something before he does something"

Legalism is my christian behavior
True Christianity controls me from the inside out

Four Questions:

1.what does it mean to be merciful?
The Roman philosphy of the day: Mercy is a disease of the soul

Let's Compare mercy with other Kingdom concepts:

     Mercy and Forgiveness Daniel 9:9
     Mercy and love Mercy is higher than forgiveness and love is bigger than mercy
     Mercy and Grace Mercy says I pity you, Grace says I pardon you
     Mercy and Justice James 2:10

Mercy means you reach out in sympathy and total forgiveness in grace and love when truth has been accepted

The characteristics of a godless society:    Romans 1:29-31

2. What is the source of mercy? it comes from God, only on his terms

Ps 103:11, Luke 6:36

3. What does it mean to be merciful?
      Physical way...give to physical needs
      Spiritual Way
         1. Pity for the lost  Acts 7:60
         2. Pronouncing the truth  2 Timothy 2:25
         3. Pray for everyone
         4. Preaching

4. What is the Result? Happiness is obtaining mercy

2 Samuel 22:26 .. James 2:13 .. Matthew 6:14 .. Matthew 18:23-35

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

From Sunday October 14, 2007
Happy Appetite

Mat. 5:6

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled

Hungering and Thirsting... Strong desires...ambition

Examples from the Bible:

Lucifer...Isah 14:13
Nebuchadnezzar...King of Babylon Daniel 4:30
The Rich fool...Luke 12:17

Key Questions:

1. How does this beatitude fit with the others?

2. What does it mean to hunger and thirst?
  "this hunger and this thirst ____________ in the very act of being satisfied."

3. What is this that we hunger for?
  The only real happiness in life is to be _______
   Salvation wants restoration to God and free from sin and its penalty
   Sanctification happiness belongs to the increasing of holliness in your life

4. What is the result?... Filled-satisfied and yet not!
Ps 107:9, Ps 34:10, Ps 23:1, Jer 31:14, John 4 & 6

5. How do I know that I am really hungering and thirsting after righteousness?
    1. Are you dissatified with yourself?

    2. Does anything external satisfy you?

    3. Do you have a great appetite for the word of God

    4. Are the things of God sweet to you?

    5. Is my hunger and thirst unconditional?
         Ps 119:20, Isa 26:9

Sunday, October 14, 2007

From Sunday Oct. 7, 2007

Happy Knowing

Matt. 5:5 "Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth."

Broken in spirit centers on my sinfulness


What does the Bible mean by Meekness?
Eph. 4:1-3,Tit 3:2, Col 3:12, Ps 22:26, Ps 25:9, Ps 147:6,Isa 29:19

1. What does meekness mean? (Prov. 16:32) It is not weakness, it is power under control.

2. How does meekness manifest itself?
     Meekness does not defend self but will defend God to death.

3. What is the result of meekness?
     1.Happiness 2.Inherit the earth

4. Why is Meekness necessary?(Ps. 149:4)
     1.Only the meek will be saved 2. It's commanded by God
     3.Without meekness we can't..receive Gods word
     4.without meekness you cannot witness 5.Only the meek give God the glory

5. How do I know if I am meek?
       1.Do I experience self control?
       2.Do I respond humbly and obedient to Gods word?
       3.Do I always make and seek peace?
       4.Do I receive criticism well and love the people who give it?

MEEKNESS MEANS to be finished with me for good.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Matthew 5:1-12

Vs4 - Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.

What does the Bible mean by mourning?
       Genesis 23, 2 Samuel 1,Numbers 14:39, Psalm 119:136

Let's try to define it by looking at some of the essential elements of mourning.
1. Mourning is an emotional response
2. Mourning is not always good
3. There is not universal comfort for all mourners
4. We need to understand what it is to mourn properly

Five questions that are tests for pious mourning...
   1. Is this something for which the righteous mourn?
     The two key texts:
        1. Isaiah 61- Sin & Condemnation
        2. Isaiah 40- Comfort & Salvation

   2. What is a right relationship between mourning and laughter?
            Jesus doesn't say Blessed are those who mourn, for they will rejoice

   3. Is there a sense of loss or gain?(Philippians 3)

   4. Which concerns you? humiliation or arrogance & pride
           1 Corinthians 5:1-2, Romans 1:32

   5. Does mourning produce repentence?