Sunday, December 30, 2007

From Sunday December 23, 2007
The Second Christmas

(Matthew 1:18-21)

Christmas I       Time: around Dec. 25th
                             Place: Bethlehem Judea

I. Was initiated before the world(John 1)

II. Was carried out by the holy spirit
       1. Conceived of the holy spirit vs 20
       2. Made man aware of a choice
       3. Persuaded man to respond

III. The God-Man was incarnated
IV. The angels and all of heaven rejoiced
V. God blessed and continued to guide(Luke 2:40)

Christmas II       Time:(when were you saved?)
                             Place:(where did it take place?)

I. Was initiated before the world(Eph. 1:4-5)

II. Was carried out by the holy spirit

       1. Made aware of need(John 16:8)
       2. Made man aware of a choice(John 3:16)
       3. Persuaded man to man's response(I John 1:9)

III. The God-Man was re-incarnated
IV. The angels and all Gods kingdom rejoiced...(Luke 15:7)
V. God blessed and continues to lead(Rom. 8:38-39)

From Sunday December 16, 2007
Christmas Musical

Sunday, December 16, 2007

From Sunday December 9, 2007
"A Gift Worth Giving"

The wise men started it all. Their gifts were...

1. Personally given.
2. Property given.

Kinds of gifts we give at Christmas time:
1. The "gift for a gift" gift.
2. The "for a favor" gift.
3. The "grace"gift.

More about "grace" gifts...
1. It's impossible to measure the cost of these gifts.
2. These gifts are usually non-material.
    A. togetherness gifts.
    B. service gifts.
    C. encouragement gifts.

What the wise men teach about giving:
1. Give an unexpected gift.
2. Give with genuine joy.

"Giving with a glad and generous heart has a way of rooting out the tough old miser within us. Even the poor need to know that they can give. Just the very act of letting go of money or some other treasure does something within us. That is it destroys the demon, greed".                   Richard Foster

3. Give something personal.
4. Give something that will last.
     Gifts you can give that will last forever:
        A. Good memories
        B. Godly heritage
5. Give the gift now.
  "He who waits to do a great deal of good all at once will never do anything"        Samuel Johnson

"They were going to be all they wanted to be, tomorrow.
None would be braver or kinder than they, tomorrow.
A friend who was troubled and wearied they knew,
Would be glad for a lift and needed it too,
And on him they would call and see what they could do, tomorrow.
Each morning they stacked up the leters they'd write, tomorrow.
And thought of the folks that they would fill with delight, tomorrow.
The greatest of people they just might have been.
The world would have opened its heart up to them.
But in fact, they passed on and faded from view,
And all they had left when their living was through,
Was a mountain of things they intended to do, tomorrow."

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

From Sunday December 2, 2007
Ministering by Faith

Hebrews 11:1-6

Ministering by Faith Means:
1. Believing when I don't see it.(vs 1)
          We must see it in advance.

2. Obeying when I don't understand.(vs 8)

3. Giving when I don't have it.(vs4b)
         giving and faith go together.

4. Persisting when I don't feel like it.

5. Thanking before I receive it.

   Faith Doesn't mean;
        God CAN do something
        God WILL do something
Faith is believing God IS doing something.(Mark 11:24)
6. Trusting even when I don't get it.(vs'39-40)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

From Sunday November 25, 2007
Biblical Authority

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.      II Timothy 3:16-17

The Bible is God's word!

1. All of it is God's word
2. Its instruction is alive and profitable
3. It is comprehensive,consistent and the creative action of God.
4. It can completely equip us for life and ministry.

Applying my Bible study in life:

Ezra 7:10 For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.

1. Ezra prepared his heart to approach God's Word.
2. Ezra prepared his heart to study God's Word.
3. Ezra prepared to practice what he learned.
4. Ezra prepared to share what he learned.

Three Keys to applying God's Word:
  1. Learn it!
      2. Love it!
          3. Live it!

We must have convictions concerning the Bible:

     1. Even when I don't understand it:
            I will trust what God says.
     2. Even when it seems illogical:
            I will obey what God says.
     3. Even when human opinions vary:
            God's Word is right every time.

     Convictions come when God's Word Leads us.

     When we Learn what the word says on any given subject.
     When we Expose areas of life.
     When we Apply and obey Gods word.
     When we Decide what is worth living and dying for in life.
     When we Settle the issues before we are forced to face them in life.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

From Sunday November 11, 2007
"Personal Integrity"

Influencing Community Values

Matthew 5:13-16

1. In these four verses, Jesus summarizes the believer's function. In a word, it is: influence.

2. Whoever lives according to the Beatitudes(vv. 3-12), will function in the word as salt and light

3. Jesus' focus was on being before doing.

4. The goal of integrity is influence.

Four Aspects of the Text:
1. The Presupposition: corruption and darkness do exist(vv. 13-14)

"The world needs salt because it is corrupt; it needs light because it is dark." -G. Campbell Morgan

Man's knowledge has greatly increased, but his morals have progressively decreased

Every generation has sinned and negatively influenced our world. The basic human desire is sin.

2. The Plan: impact society (vv. 14-15)
   We are to be salt to reveal the corruption of our society, and we are to be light to reveal God's truth.

   Being Salt Means:
    1. to add flavor
    2. to remain pure
    3. to create thirst
    4. to bring value
    5. we may cause pain
    6. we must preserve live

   Light Is Only Useful When It:
    1. shines in darkness
    2. remains visible
    3. burns brightly

Sociologists tell us that the average person will influence 10,000 other people in his/her lifetime!

3. The Problem: the threat of failure.(vs. 13-15)

   There's a danger that we, as Christians might lose our value to the kingdom of God (but not to God). In the New Testament, we find three cases where God had to weed out spiritual "cancers" or contamination, in the church, through death.

    1. the cancer of hypocrisy(Acts 5:1-11)
    2. the cancer of immorality(James 1:15)
    3. the cancer of unrepentance(I Cor. 11:30)

4. The Purpose: to glorify God (v. 16)
The purpose of letting our light shine and revealing our good works is not to bring attention to ourselve, but to God.

Friday, November 9, 2007

From Sunday Oct. 28, 2007
"Happy Peacemakers"

Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God."

A True peacemaker must know real peace

Misconceptions about peacemaking:
  1. It is not avoiding problems.
  2. It is not appeasing another person.
  "Shalom" means order and well being
Peace is a result of obedienceto God and assurance that He is in control.

"I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea."
Isaiah 48:17-18

Three experiences of peace for the believer:
  1.  Peace with God--A spiritual experience. Jesus said, "I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It is not lke the peace that this world can give. So don't be worried or afraid."

  2.  Peace of God -- An emotional experience. If we find no peace within ourselves it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
                                             Romans 8:28;Philippians 4:7

  3.  Peace on Earth --A relational experience.
    It is not just a peace that passes understanding, it is a peace that passes misunderstanding.

How to be a Peacemaker(P.E.A.C.E)

Plan a peace conference(Matthew 5:23,24; Psalm 34:14)
  How to plan a peace conference:
     1. take initiative
     2. work hard at it
Eempathize with their feelings(1 Peter 3:7,8;Romans 15:2;Philippians 2:4)
     How to empathize:
         1. Listen without lecturing
         2. Make an effort to understand
         3. Focus on the needs of others
Aattack the problem not the person.(Proverbs 10:10; Ephesians 4:15,25,29)
     Ground rules for Fighting Fair:
         1. Never compare
         2. Never condemn
         3. Never command
         4. Never challenge
         5. Never cotradict
         6. Never confuse
Cooperate as much as possible.(Romans 12:8;James 3:17;Psalm 37:37)             If you're wise, you'll compromise.

Emphasize reconciliation, not resolution
       Reconciliation: To re-establish the relationship.
       Resolution: To resolve the issue.Reconciliation.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

From Sunday Oct. 28, 2007
Happy Holy

Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God."

The people were crying for a savior NOT more rules!

There are only two kinds of religion in the world:
1. The Religion of human achievement
2. The Religion of divine acomplishment

1. Why does this beatitude fall in this position?:
It is a flow...a natural progression

2. What does it mean to be pure in heart?
The Heart: always in scripture refers to the seat of his being
Prov 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Mat. 16:19, James 4:8, Psalm 9:1, Psalm 26:2, Psalm 28:7

The word pure is "katharous" to cleanse from filth
a second meaning: unmixed, unalloyed

Five kinds of Purity:

1. Primative Purity..only God
2. Created Purity..created pure being
3. Ultimate Purity..glorification...heaven
4. Positional Purity..we have now through Christ
5. Practical Purity..
II Cor. 7:1 Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

3. How can my heart be made pure?
1. Know you can't do it on your own righteousness
2. Purify your heart by faith
3. Stay in the word.

John 15:3 "Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you"

4. What is the result of purity of heart?
"They shall see God"

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Meet Mercy"

Matthew 5:7

"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."

To obtain mercy is two fold:

To be in God's must seek mercy

And to continue in God's give mercy to others
Martin Lloyd Jones wrote:

"A Christian is something before he does something"

Legalism is my christian behavior
True Christianity controls me from the inside out

Four Questions:

1.what does it mean to be merciful?
The Roman philosphy of the day: Mercy is a disease of the soul

Let's Compare mercy with other Kingdom concepts:

     Mercy and Forgiveness Daniel 9:9
     Mercy and love Mercy is higher than forgiveness and love is bigger than mercy
     Mercy and Grace Mercy says I pity you, Grace says I pardon you
     Mercy and Justice James 2:10

Mercy means you reach out in sympathy and total forgiveness in grace and love when truth has been accepted

The characteristics of a godless society:    Romans 1:29-31

2. What is the source of mercy? it comes from God, only on his terms

Ps 103:11, Luke 6:36

3. What does it mean to be merciful?
      Physical way...give to physical needs
      Spiritual Way
         1. Pity for the lost  Acts 7:60
         2. Pronouncing the truth  2 Timothy 2:25
         3. Pray for everyone
         4. Preaching

4. What is the Result? Happiness is obtaining mercy

2 Samuel 22:26 .. James 2:13 .. Matthew 6:14 .. Matthew 18:23-35

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

From Sunday October 14, 2007
Happy Appetite

Mat. 5:6

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled

Hungering and Thirsting... Strong desires...ambition

Examples from the Bible:

Lucifer...Isah 14:13
Nebuchadnezzar...King of Babylon Daniel 4:30
The Rich fool...Luke 12:17

Key Questions:

1. How does this beatitude fit with the others?

2. What does it mean to hunger and thirst?
  "this hunger and this thirst ____________ in the very act of being satisfied."

3. What is this that we hunger for?
  The only real happiness in life is to be _______
   Salvation wants restoration to God and free from sin and its penalty
   Sanctification happiness belongs to the increasing of holliness in your life

4. What is the result?... Filled-satisfied and yet not!
Ps 107:9, Ps 34:10, Ps 23:1, Jer 31:14, John 4 & 6

5. How do I know that I am really hungering and thirsting after righteousness?
    1. Are you dissatified with yourself?

    2. Does anything external satisfy you?

    3. Do you have a great appetite for the word of God

    4. Are the things of God sweet to you?

    5. Is my hunger and thirst unconditional?
         Ps 119:20, Isa 26:9

Sunday, October 14, 2007

From Sunday Oct. 7, 2007

Happy Knowing

Matt. 5:5 "Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth."

Broken in spirit centers on my sinfulness


What does the Bible mean by Meekness?
Eph. 4:1-3,Tit 3:2, Col 3:12, Ps 22:26, Ps 25:9, Ps 147:6,Isa 29:19

1. What does meekness mean? (Prov. 16:32) It is not weakness, it is power under control.

2. How does meekness manifest itself?
     Meekness does not defend self but will defend God to death.

3. What is the result of meekness?
     1.Happiness 2.Inherit the earth

4. Why is Meekness necessary?(Ps. 149:4)
     1.Only the meek will be saved 2. It's commanded by God
     3.Without meekness we can't..receive Gods word
     4.without meekness you cannot witness 5.Only the meek give God the glory

5. How do I know if I am meek?
       1.Do I experience self control?
       2.Do I respond humbly and obedient to Gods word?
       3.Do I always make and seek peace?
       4.Do I receive criticism well and love the people who give it?

MEEKNESS MEANS to be finished with me for good.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Matthew 5:1-12

Vs4 - Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.

What does the Bible mean by mourning?
       Genesis 23, 2 Samuel 1,Numbers 14:39, Psalm 119:136

Let's try to define it by looking at some of the essential elements of mourning.
1. Mourning is an emotional response
2. Mourning is not always good
3. There is not universal comfort for all mourners
4. We need to understand what it is to mourn properly

Five questions that are tests for pious mourning...
   1. Is this something for which the righteous mourn?
     The two key texts:
        1. Isaiah 61- Sin & Condemnation
        2. Isaiah 40- Comfort & Salvation

   2. What is a right relationship between mourning and laughter?
            Jesus doesn't say Blessed are those who mourn, for they will rejoice

   3. Is there a sense of loss or gain?(Philippians 3)

   4. Which concerns you? humiliation or arrogance & pride
           1 Corinthians 5:1-2, Romans 1:32

   5. Does mourning produce repentence?

Thursday, September 27, 2007


5 questions about "poor in spirit"

1. Why does He start with this?
       1. Poverty of spirit is the only way
       2. All other graces are based on Poverty of spirit
       3. We are doomed without his redemption

2. What does it mean?
        It doesn't mean poor materally
         Isa 66:2,Psa 34:18,Psa 51:17,Isa 57:15

3. What is the result? theirs is the Kingdom

4. How do we become poor in spirit?
       1 you must look at God
       2 starve the flesh...flesh feeds pride
       3 Ask...knock...beg

5. How will I know I am? 7 principles:
     1 You will be weaned from yourself(Psalm 131:2)
     2 You will be lost in the wonder of Christ(1 Cor. 3:18)
     3 You will never complain about situation
     4 You will see only the excellence in others
     5 You will spend much time in prayer
     6 You will take Christ on his terms, not yours
     7 You will thank and praise God for his grace

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Matthew 5:1-12

  The occasion Matthew 4:23
  The Preacher Authority(didn't quote source)

Three points to the Sermon on the Mount

          1. Citizens of the Kingdom
          2. Righteous of the Kingdom
          3. Exortation to enter the Kingdom

The setting: the mountain
The style: sat down - traditional of a rabbi
The recipients: the disciples of Jesus
The context: only for the followers of Christ

Biblical context (Malachi 4:6)
Political context. (Jews looking for a messiah)
Religious context.(professional religionist)

Five reasons to study the Sermon on the Mount
1 Show the absolute necessity of the new birth     4 Evangalism
2 Clearly points to Jesus                                              5 Pleases God
3 Only way to happiness for Christians

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Facing Your Fears

Psalms 34: 1 - 4

Facts about FEAR:
     1   We live in an age of fear
     2   They change with society
     3   They can imprison us

Three fatalities of FEAR:
     1   The best of our lives
     2   The best for others
     3   The best from God

Five FEARS that limit Christians:
     1   Confrontations that need to be settled
     2   Failures that need to be forgotten
     3   Transparencies that need to be shared
     4   Rejections that need to be released to God
     5   Changes that need to be pursued

     1   Discover where fear resides
            Fear comes from without Anxiety comes from within.
     2   Discover who we are(Psalms 34:4)
     3   Admit our fears
     4   Accept the frailties of life
     5   Focus on today, not yesterday or tomorrow
     6   Focus on Gods soverignty

I John 4:8, John 14:1, Psalms 23:4, Psalms 55:22, Psalms 56:3-4, I Pet. 3:14-15

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Parent Power

PROVERBS 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not return from it."

  1.) LEARN who your children are

Two common mistakes we parents make

          1) comparing them to ourselves
          2) comparing them to each other

Three practical focus points...

          1) Birth order
          2) Temperment
          3) Potential

  2.)LET your children know you

Children see more than they hear

Honesty breeds Honesty

  3.) LEAD your children to God

     Pray with upon god
     Praise self esteem
     Prepare Gods word together

  4.) LOVE your children unconditionally

Never give up on them

Always believe in them

Romance Revisited

"Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at the first. If you do not repent, I will come and remove the lampstand from its place.

Introduction: The number one question asked a marriage counselor is:
"Why don't we love each other anymore?"


  I. REMEMBER...the good times and happy experiences

1. Change your attitude
2. Choose to act in a loving way

  III. REPEAT...Do the things you did at first.
feelings follow actions

When you first fell in love you did five things:

     1. Gave attention(Phil. 2:2-4)
     2. Gave affirmation(1 Thes. 5:11)
     3. Gave affection(Eph. 5:19) (Eph. 5:28)
     4. Gave adventure(Eccl. 9:9, 1 Tim.6:17, Mat. 11:19)
     5. Gave accordance(1 John 1:7)

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Click Here to listen to a portion of this message.

I............Create a bond of intimacy
   Three keys for true intimacy:
     1...Be loving
         Treat those closest to you as persons of worth and value

     2....Be forgiving
         Be a real communicator
           Listen genuinely Learn to speak effectively.

         Six rules of Conflict Communication:
               1. Control your temper (Prov. 12:16)
               2. Do not make accusations (Eph. 4:31)
               3. Do not be argumentative (Phil. 2:12)
               4. Listen to others point of view (Prov. 18:17)
               5. Leave the past in the past
               6. Never forget what the bible says (Prov. 15:1)

     3...(3rd key of a bound of intimacy) Be accepting

II............Create a climate of humor
   LEARN to laugh at yourself TURN trials into shared experiences and EARN happy memories

III...........Create relationships that are honest ; honest to your spouse and children ; honest to yourself and God.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


(EPHESIANS 5:16-20)

"Redeeming the Time"... is to get the most out of every day and every situation. (verse 16)

The will and wisdom of God teaches us right attitudes. (verse 17)


1   My Attitude of Gratitude at the beginning of a task effects the outcome more than anything else.(Matthew 8:13)

2   My Attitude of Gratitude towards others determines their attitude towards me.(Proverbs 18:24)

3   My Attitude of Gratitude influences othersmore than my actions.

4   My Attitude of Gratitude is either my best friend or my worst enemy.(Joseph -vs- Jonah)

5   My Attitude of Gratitude can turn my problems into blessings.

6   My attitude and not ability will bring lasting success because my attitude is who I am.(Joshua 14:10-14)

7   Attitude is always a choice.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


(Luke 6: 27- 38)

                  A Giving Heart




5. BE ENCOURAGING(John 14:12)


            Because they give to you
            For the praise of people

            Because it's what God expects
            Because it's what God has modeled

REMEMBER: "You reap what you sow"

Sunday, July 15, 2007


ACTS 11:23 - 26



       1. Creative Action from the beginning.(Gen 1)
       2. Power of God given to man.(John 15:7)
       3. Truth of God for liberation of man.(John 8:32)

We see the truth about God, about our world, about ourselves

(ACTS 11:24)
Anticipators of God, good, and growth

       This requires: Love, acceptance and forgiveness.

Monday, July 9, 2007

" Dream On"

Psalms 37:4

I. God creates Dreams
God calls Dreamers

II. Tomorrow's Dreams are determined by todays choices.
        Phil. 4:10-13

Seven Choices that help make our Dreams come true:

     1. Accept Gods timing and the seasons of life(Ecclesiastes 3:1)

     2. Put people first

     3. Learn to enjoy things without owning them.

     4. Don't let things control you.

     5. Be thankful.

"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving."

     6. Write down what really makes you happy.

     7. Don't confuse temperal benefits with eternal ones.

III. Realize to receive your dreams.

You must give them away.

Matthew 10:8

Sunday, July 1, 2007

"Free Indeed"

John 8:32 & 36

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

..."If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed"

I. Freedom from poverty
     CHRIST gives us his riches. (2 Cor 8:9)

II. Freedom from sorrow
     CHRIST gives us his joy. (John 16:20; 2 Cor 7:10)

III. Freedom from trouble
     CHRIST gives us peace. (John 14:27)

IV. Freedom from hatred
     CHRIST gives us love. (John 15:25)

V. Freedom from rags
     CHRIST gives us his righteousness. (Isa 64:6;2 Cor 5:21)

VI. Freedom from death
     CHRIST gives us his life. (Romans 5:15; Ephesians 2:5)

VII. Freedom from shame
     CHRIST gives us glory. (John 17:22; Psalm 113:7-8)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

"Friends you can count on"

Phillippians 2: 19 - 30

We like the apostle Paul can count on people who honor God

Let us discover eight traits of a friend we can count on:

1. Gives their best, not least.(vs20)

2. Continues helping regardless of cost.(vs21)

3. Their Faithfulness is known by others.(vs22)

4. They are willing to minister to others needs.(vs25)

5. They love God's People.(vs26)

6. They are loved by God's People.(vs28)

7. They are respected by others.(vs29)

8. They work sacrificially for others.(vs30)

Bible Fun Stuff Answers

Monday, June 18, 2007

"Fathers: You Da Man!"

Ephesians 3: 20-21

20: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21: Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all generations, Amen.







Believe in them

Encourage them

Serve with them

Teach them


Practice His Presence and Pray always


Bible Fun Stuff Answers

Sunday, June 10, 2007

"Friends to hang out with"

Hebrews 10: 22 -25

I. How to know we are with the right friends
    1. They have faith in God.
    2. They are sincere.
    3. They are steadfast.
    4. They are secure.

       Secure People:
        1. Know who they are
        2. Like who they are
        3. Are who they are
        4. They Celebrate your presence
        5. They stetch you

II. How to become the right kinda of friend: L.O.V.E people:
       Listen to them.
       Overlook faults
       Encourage people

III. How to attract the right friends:
       1. Believe in people
       2. Have a mission that matters
       3. Be real

Bible Fun Stuff Answers

Sunday, June 3, 2007

"Friendship with God"

John 15:12 - 16

By: Pastor Ed West

Four Proofs or Tests of Friendship:

Test One: What will you do for a friend?(John 15:13)
Test Two: What will you disclose to a friend?(John 15:15)
Test Three: You love what they love.(John 15:11)
Test Four: you fullfill their requests

Five Myths Americans Have Believed About Knowing God:

1. The Good Deeds Myth
The notion that activity in Christian service proves that I know God.

2. The Good Life Myth
The notion that regular church attendance earns God's favor, and makes me right with Him.

3. The Religious Myth
The notion that praying every day and sharing other such religious things indicates that I know God.

God offers us an intimate friendship with Him, if we'll respond appropriately to His Invitation.

4. The Feeling Myth
The notion that if I feel close to God, then I must be.

5. The Knowledge Myth
The notion that a good knowledge of the Bible means that I am a Christian.

Are you believing the truth or a myth about your relationship with God?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Being Above Average

1 Chron. 4:9-10

By: Pastor Ed West

Let us look at 3 principles from the prayer of Jabez
to help us live above average.

I. He had a Great ambition

3 misconceptions about great ambitions:

1. We confuse Humility with fear
2. We confuse Contentment with laziness
3. We confuse Spirituality with small thinking

II. He had a Growing Faith
1. He ask for Gods help
2. God helped him overcome lifes insecurities

III. He had a Genuine Prayer Life
He prayed for 3 things:
1. God's Power
2. God's Presence
3. God's Protection

There is not much difference from 3 and 4...However:
3x3x3x3x3= 243
4x4x4x4x4= 1024

Conclusion: You can decide to be above average by:
1. The Lordship of Jesus in your life.
2. Having right motives.
3. Being willing to pay the price.